Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Boot Camp

Boot Camp, or Recruit Training as it is formally called, is where boys are broken down and men built back up into Marines.  The longest and toughest of any service, the 3 months recruits spend at either Parris Island or San Diego are broken up into 3 phases of training.  First Phase - The Basics of Being a Marine, Second Phase - Rifle & Field Training, Third Phase - Practical Application and Polishing Skills.  Now these aren't the "official" titles of the 3 phases, just my paraphrase of what I remember.  In any case, from either coast, Marines look back at boot camp with fondness and disdain.

I've often said, "I'd trade nothing for the experience, but wouldn't want to do it again."

My plan is to break-down boot camp into several topical areas over the next few weeks.

What are some memories you have from Boot Camp?

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