Friday, May 25, 2012

Drill Instructors

From the welcoming D.I. at the San Diego airport to those of Platoon 2074, 2nd Battalion, Echo Company, my encounter with drill instructors while at recruit training was non-stop.

The receiving, or "forming week" Drill Instructors are not nearly as aggressive as the ones we meet later.  During these first 5 days, we learn the basics: how to march, how to wear our uniform properly, how to fall in, and of course the POA, or Position of Attention. This period of time allows recruits to adjust to the recruit training way of life before the first actual training day.

Then, we were taken to our training companies and we "meet" our drill instructors for the first time.  We marched to our barracks, positioned our seabags on the deck in front of it and was led inside the squad bay.  I was in awe as they were introduced and marched out of the "head shed" or "house".  The Senior was an ominous looking creature.  Huge, was a member of the Marine Corps Body Building Team, Charlie shirt stretched around his bulging biceps.  My first thought was, "Whoa!"  My second, "We are going to die."

Once everyone was introduced, the lead receiving D.I. saluted the Senior, said "Take these recruits and make them Marines," or at least something to that effect, and walked out the door. As soon as the door closed and latch snapped, all hell broke loose.  Those Smokey covered Marine Drill Instructors exploded all over us, ordering us back down below to get our gear.  We were scattering like cockroaches in a bright room.  We didn't know which way was up, down, or out.  Worse off, were us poor boogers that couldn't find our seabags once outside.  Funny how you can't remember where you were standing when you put the thing down, funny how you can't read your name when your scared out of your mind, funny how 84 seabags can look the same all lined up.  Honestly, I think there were drill instructors outside switching bags around while we were inside meeting our drill instructors.

Day 1, hour 1, seemed like an eternity...but there was much more insanity to come.

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