Friday, May 18, 2012

Greeting Fellow Marines

Nothing screams "I'm a hard-charger" louder like a little 'false' motivation in the morning.  Well, for some of you it's false motivation (or at least it comes across that way).  For the rest of us, we eat, sleep, walk, talk, live the United States Marine Corps!  We Marines have a lingo all our own.  Whether it's the basic "Ooh-Rah!" or "Yut!" or just the Devil Dog 'bark' as we pass each other, or the more traditional and formal greeting of an officer, "Good Morning, Sir," we love to sound off to each other.

Lately, where I currently work, the phrase used by the Marines I meet and greet in the hall, when asked, "How's it going?" or "What's going on?"...I receive a reply of, "Just living the dream!"  Living the dream?  Who's dream are you living?  I've asked that a time or two.  I usually received a laugh and "No really sure," as a response.

As I try and think back to what was our usual or unusual greetings, the first one that came to mind is one of my favorites.  "How are you doing on this fine Marine Corps Day?"  Every day is a 'fine' Marine Corps Day, so it would stand to reason that one would pose a question in this way.  Of course, the only acceptable response is, "OUTSTANDING!"  Or at least some derivative of that, like, "Out-Freaking-Standing, Staff Sergeant!"  Nothing more motivating than some expletives intertwined within your response to a fellow Marine's greeting.

"Ooh-Rah, Devil Dog!", "Ooh-Rah, Motivator!", "Hey there, Leatherneck," are a few others.  These were normally presented by a SNCO to a junior enlisted Marine.  I had a Staff Sergeant, at my MOS school, that would greet us every morning with, "Good Morning, Leatherheads."  "Leatherheads," obviously derived from Leathernecks and Jarheads, always thought that one was kind of funny.  I also remember using "Whassup?"  We used that way before the 'Whassup guys' made it popular in the beer commercials.  Usually, we only used that one at the barracks or with other guys in the shop.  Hate to see some Lance Corporal use "Whassup, sir?" with a field-grade officer.  No, that might be funny to, from a distance.

I did have one greeting all my own.  Personally have used it numerous times, and still do on occasion.  The first time I used it, was on my unit's Sergeant Major, which really threw him for a loop.  It went like this, "Ooh-Rah, Sergeant Major!  How are you doing this fine day in my illustrious Marine Corps?"  "Your "illustrious" Marine Corps?"  Was the response, along with a good laugh that day.  Now that it is published, is that phrase considered copyrighted?  If so, I give my fellow Marines permission to use it.  But if not, continue to greet fellow Marines, active duty, former, and retired, with zeal.

How do you greet your fellow Marines?